RSP Technology
In the scientific world it has been known for a long time, that by means of the rapid solidification process, spectacular improvements with regard to the properties of the materials are made possible. RSP Technology is the first company in the world that succeeded in developing this melt-spinning technology on a commercial scale.
In the RSP process, special aluminum alloys can be manufactured. Some equal titanium in strength, others surpass the best conventional aluminum alloys by a factor of 2 or even more.
At the end of the seventies, the Technical University (TU) of Delft started with the development of melt-spinning technology. Within the framework of this a laboratory arrangement was set up by the TU of Delft during the eighties. Since 1990, Rijnvelden BV has been involved in the further commercial development of the technology. In 1993 this resulted in the foundation of RSP Technology BV. In 1998, the building of a commercial production-unit in Delfzijl was started. Corus and the Noordelijke Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij (NOM) then joined as shareholders.
In July 2001, production was started in Delfzijl. Also in the same year the Friesland Bank was welcomed as a shareholder. As from mid-2002, RSP Technology has a production unit which is capable of maintaining an output for 24 hours per day.
Customers of RSP Technology are found in niche markets as well as in mass markets worldwide. For example, RSP Technology is the most important supplier worldwide of piston material to be used for engines in the model building industry. RSP materials are also used in the Formula 1 racing and go-kart industries,.
Besides the interest shown by the motor industry, the clientele of RSP has been extended to include companies operating worlwide in the aerospace, defence, electronics and sports industries. Because of its superior qualities, RSP aluminum offers the possibility of making products lighter, stronger and more wear resistant.
This enables RSP Technology to offer a technology with which customers can be provided worldwide and in the widest diversity of markets.
Since mid-2006 RSP Technology has been working hard with regard to the development of the market for components to be used in optical equipment. Because of its fine and homogeneous microstructure, the RSP aluminium is extremely suitable for the manufacture of mirrors and moulds.
Development of the melt-spinning technology by Delft Technical University
RSP Technology founded by the investment company Rijnvelden.
Upgrading of the pilot plant in Kampen to industrial production unit. In-house development of alloys for the motor industry and the sport industry.
Corus NV and the Noordelijke Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij (NOM) join as shareholders
Further development of the Kampen Production Unit
New construction of the production facility in Delfzijl with a production capacity of 2.500 tons RSP aluminium per annum.
Installation of a second production line. Expansion of commercial production and R&D facilities. Friesland Bank NV joins as shareholder.
Installation of clean room facilities for the aerospace and racing industries. Extension of R&D facilities. Extension of existing clientele to the medical, sport and optical industry.
RSP Technology commences with the supply of materials to Formula 1 racing teams.
RSP Technology commences with the supply of materials to the optical and mechatronics industry.
RSP Technology becomes part of the Hittech Group