Brochures & Publications
RSP information can be downloaded in .pdf (acrobat) format for reading en printing:
- RSP brochure
A summarized overview of the production process, products and markets. - RSP presentation
A similar overview is also available as a downloadable movie (8Mb)
The properties of various RSP alloys may be found in the specification sheets below:
News & Trade Shows
RSP Technology will frequently be present at International Trade Shows.
- 2013 - Melt spun aluminium alloys for moulding optics
- 2010 - ICSO 2010 International Conference on Space Optics
- 2010 - Fraunhof Spie Astronomics
- 2009 - Euspen Fraunhofer
- 2009 - SPIE Optifab
- 2008 - SPIE Marseille TNO
- 2008 - Aachen Scalmalloy EADS
- 2008 - Bremen Optical moulds Zeiss Jenoptik Frauenhofer
- 2008 - Optik Article